Monday, May 31, 2010

BP Oil Spill

I didn't know much about the BP oil spill, but today I heard that in Alaska in 30 years ago, they got better at drilling deeper a further into ocean. Now, oil spill keeps happening around the world. The oil spreads everywhere in the ocean and it affects animals. If there are oil in the ocean, animals who live in the ocean will get sick and they will die. It will also affect us because we won't get much fish, and I think because of the smell of oil, some people will get sick. I think we should care more about BP Oil Spill.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

All the Invisible Children 1st Story Tanza

I think the boy is really poor because he is young but the he has to have a gun and kill people everyday. I think the boy is really scared because he might die someday. I think he will be panicked and scared if i he has to plant a bomb and know that he is going to die.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shop Till You Drop

How did it feel to have more or less money than other people in the class?
I felt neutral nothing really much cause I am in the middle class which meaning that I don't really have a choice and I don't really have any thing to really compare with. Doesn't really matter to me, cause I am just like most of the people in the world been in the middle class.

How did it feel to see what you could and could not afford at the Global Mall?
As we can see, I am the middle class people which meaning that our money and shopping ideas are most important. Cause we are not poor and we are not that rich so we are just supporting for both of them, we are like the bones for the flash and tendons.

How many of you could not afford education? What would your lives be like if you could not go to school?
I think the life without knowledge is like bubble tea without tea inside. Doesn't make sense. And taste bad.

How would it feel to have to choose between food and health care?
I would choose food, cause you know. To feed a girl like me is really hard, we like to eat lots of things, but because the stereotype so we can't eat that much otherwise we will be real fat, and people won't like us. But I still think food is more important, cause if you eat good food, you will be healthy, u become healthy u don't need health care anymore cause u won't get sick.

How many of you have ever been very sick or gone to a hospital or had friends and family who have? What would your life be like now if you had been unable to get medical care?
It will makes other people feel sad and everyone in this family will be totally down and emotional. It makes the family relationship worse. And because of that, the money they are going to pay will make the family worse and worse. And that will makes the whole family money tight, and enable to do things they actually want to do.

What were the impacts caused by people with fewer Global Mall Dollars, and what were the impacts caused by people with more Global Mall Dollars?
The distance between the billionaire and the non money people will getting longer and longer and breaking a part. And those no money people they won't have education so they will make babies a lot and all like stupid people. But their children won't go to school either so they will be even more stupid and the whole generation is going to be stupid and poor.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Democracy now

1. Synopsis: what is this interview about?

This interview is about how women and girls affect around the world because they think that they have to please to someone. To be more specific, is that its talking about different ways of girls rights, and how can we improve on it.

2. How is Eve Ensler being a global citizen? What is she doing to make a difference in the world (give examples)?
The story of this, she was a poor girl who got family violence when she was small, and after she grown up, she start to get someone to gather up and face thins problem, and this spirit is what we actually need, is the power of love.

3. Give one example of how girls can end up in harmful situations because of societal pressures "to please" others.
Some girls are in bad relationship. They have to do that others want them to do or telling girls not tell to anyone so some girls will get hurt.

2. What do you think are the connections between The Story of Stuff and Eve Ensler's story about the girl in the factory making Barbie doll heads?
The connection about this post and the STORY OF STUFF, is that we know about that 99% of our stuff is trash, so the time the girl in china sitting there and making the doll in this third world, during that time. And she sit there for tons of hours was for making the Barbie was a totally waste and is just for the other girl in the first world having fun with it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The earthquake in Haiti occurred on January 12, 2010. It was a catastrophic magnitude 7.0M earthquake. 2000,000 people died and 300,000 injured had been treated. Many people don't have places to live and there are not enough food. Other countries are helping people in Haiti. They bring food and medical teams, engineers and support personnel.

Letter to Mr. Bernard Murdoch

Dear Mr. Bernard Murdoch,

I learned that Kiribati is a very beautiful country and every one is friendly. They love their country and they don't want to leave their country. I also learned that because the global warming, seal level is rising , so Kiribati is going to be underwater country. People don't have many places to live, and coconuts are dying either because they can't get fresh water or there is no land to hold on to. I think we stop the global warming and save Kiribati and many other countries and islands. Other countries should help and protect Kiribati. I knew how serious the global warming is. We should care more about global warming. I think everybody must try the best to save the country.
Thank you for your presentation!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


1. The story in Avatar is really based on the age old story of colonization. Describe why Jake's colleagues want to destroy the tree the Navi live in. Do they realize that destroying the tree essentially destroys the Navi's habitat? Why or why not?

Jake's colleagues want to destroy the tree because they want to get mineral. If they get the mineral, they will receive lots of money. They realize that destroying the tree essentially destroys the Na'vi's habitat, but they want money and they think that the Na'vi can move to other places.
2. Describe a similar conflict from history.
When Europeans came to the United States, they were not nice to the native americans. Native americans had to go to other place.
3. Describe a similar conflict that is happening in the world today.
Many people don't care about the global warming. We are producing CO2 and cutting down many trees. Global warming is a bad thing for humans, animals, and all of the living things.